Interesting that you mention basic.cfg, below are my settings on this file, played with it a bit (see values in comments) but not sure how to optimize it. We are running our server from a dedicated VM running on Microsoft Azure, so no issue there, all ports and everything is setup properly with a huge internet pipe. the basic.cfg file) or maybe a host issue. I do wonder if the issue is something to do with the performance setup (i.e. That was the same for me but thanks for the confirmation. I use an identical setup to our problem game server on a locally hosted box and the is fine. However is does mean that you look like a bunch of idiots who can't set a server up. We even tell them in the title that they need ACE and TFAR. I guess most know that the launcher is not that reliable. If it is any consolation we still get a few people on our server even with the launcher errors. I like your approach, you can join the engineers any time.
In above thread folks mentioned that maybe shortening the path by renaming mods or moving mods from -mod to -server mod methods worked for them, but have been unsuccesfull in my case, so wanted to hear back from someone who had a similar issue and managed to find a solution. Start /wait /min /high "Arma3" arma3server_圆4.exe -name=SC -profiles=SC -port=2302 -BEPath=F:\Games\Arma\Server\battleye -autoinit -filePatching -loadMissionToMemory -nosound -enableHTĪnother workaround is to edit verifySignatures = 2 to 0, but that's not desired either.
It didn't work when I had all mods with simply instead of full path so added the full path in case it works. It's not that a specific mod makes this issue, everything I added lately (4 mods) individually work fine, when added together they break arma launcher :(įolks can connect to the server normally via A3Launcher as well as by manually entering with all required mods loaded via steam launcher but the error will make anyone not familiar with the workaround unable to join. I'll test it some more!ĭone that, when testing fewer mods, everything works, when I reach a certain point of too many mods it breaks.

But hell, if it still works by putting some mods in -mods and some mods in -serverMods, then I can stop packing a bunch of mods together just to make shit work. I think the reason you are seeing the mods under "Suggested and additional mods" is because you have the keys in the keys folder. serverMods are the mods that are not published to the client. I will test it, but I haven't seen that behavior. That is not how I was lead to believe it worked but hey, it works.

The rest being in the Suggested and additional mods. That cleared the sever error but the -mod parameters are treated as Mods required by server. We have tried a lot things to try an cure the problem but after reading the discussion with we moved most of the mods from the -mod parameter to the -serverMod parameter. We were getting a similar error to : Server can't transmit all data some allowed mods might be missing or their signatures not recognized At the moment, this is a whitelist search only, so you'll have to select the countries you want to play in.This does seem to be a classic bit of ArmA. The "Countries" filter allow you to search based on what country we think the server is in. You can also use this to help you locate more regional servers. Most games do not provide ping information via the query protocol, so our "Max Distance" filter should provide you with a good approximation. This is a useful approximation for how low your latency / ping to the server should be. We use a GeoIP database to determine both the server's physical location as well as your location. The "Max Distance" filter allows you to set a limit on how far away the server is from your location. Using the "Players" filter, you can set a minimum or maximum number of players you want the server to have.
The server status buttons allow you to filter between offline (red "x"), online (green "check"), or both (gray "asterisk"). When performing server searches, we recommend wrapping terms with quotes " " to return exact matches. We advise avoiding these servers for your safety. These servers are hidden from the server list by default but can appear in your term-specific searches. The "NR" rank means that a server is suspected of botting, inflating, or otherwise distorting its real player count. We do not take player votes or any other factor into account. Ranks are re-caculated daily at 01:00 UTC. We calculate rank based on the amount of time players have spent on the server in the preceding seven (7) days. Server rank is based on the objective popularity of a server. The list includes the server rank, name, player count, location (distance from your computer), and other game-specific information. Below you will find a list of the best / most popular servers in the world.